Regulations On the Organization and Conduct of the IMPACT Olympiad 2025 in Computer Science
1.1. These regulations govern the procedures and conditions for conducting and participating in the VII International Open Creative Competition for Teachers and Coaches of the Olympic Reserve, IMPACT Olympiad 2025, in Computer Science (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad).
1.2. This Olympiad is a unique opportunity for computer science teachers and coaches to enhance their qualifications and contribute to the development of IT education. It combines a competitive aspect with an exchange of experiences. The Olympiad promotes the formation of a professional community for the comprehensive development and preparation of professional coaches in competitive programming and Olympiad-level computer science.
1.3. Participation in the Olympiad can be in either offline or online mode.
1.4. The Olympiad is organized by the Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company “Republican Physics and Mathematics School” with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republican Public Association “Federation of Competitive Programming.”
1.5. The Olympiad has two participation categories:
- Teacher Category – individuals officially employed as computer science teachers in general secondary education institutions, specifically:
- Having a rating of less than 1400 points on the codeforces.com platform;
- Not being current or former members of the jury for the Final Stages of the Republican Olympiad in Computer Science, the Republican Junior Olympiad in Computer Science, or the Republican Olympiad for Rural School Students in Computer Science;
- Not possessing medals in Mathematics and Computer Science from the Republican Olympiad for School Students or the International Zhautykov Olympiad for School Students.
- Coach Category – coaches in the disciplines of competitive programming and olympiad-level computer science who:
- Conduct extracurricular classes for school students in competitive programming and olympiad-level computer science, whether or not they are school teachers;
- Specialists who help school students develop skills in algorithms and data structures, preparing them for various competitive programming contests.
2.1. Goal of the Olympiad:
To deepen the knowledge of computer science teachers and competitive programming coaches in olympiad-level tasks, master new digital content, develop creative abilities, and increase interest in professional orientation.
2.2. Objectives of the Olympiad:
- Enhance the professional skills of educators and coaches;
- Identify and disseminate advanced pedagogical and coaching practices;
- Correctly shape the image of olympiad-level computer science and competitive programming.
3.1. A coordination and organizational committee (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) is established to manage and implement organizational work. The Organizing Committee may include members from the Federation, staff from educational organizations, winners of International and Republican Olympiads, and field experts in the direction of the Olympiad.
3.2. Responsibilities of the Organizing Committee:
- Define the format of the Olympiad, types of tasks, and evaluation criteria;
- Directly oversee the conduct of the Olympiad;
- Determine the jury composition for each category to conduct the Olympiad at a scientific and methodological level, and propose the composition and number of jury members;
- Analyze and summarize the results of the Olympiad, participate in the preparation of orders and decisions based on jury outcomes, and provide reports.
- Create tasks for the Olympiad;
- Submit a report on the results of the Olympiad to the Organizing Committee;
- Propose awards for winners to the Organizing Committee;
- Analyze the work performed by participants in the Olympiad;
- Identify winners and provide recommendations to the Organizing Committee for awarding prizes;
- Review appeals from participants who disagree with the jury’s decision.
5.1. Conducting the Olympiad
5.1.1. To participate in the Olympiad, participants must register on the website: For computer science teachers: https://clck.ru/3EXLQA For competitive programming coaches: (link to be provided).
5.1.2. Participants are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the registration form.
5.1.3. Participants in the coaches’ category must provide a certificate from their place of work as a coach confirming their coaching activities in competitive programming/olympiad-level computer science by January 13, 2024. Offline participants should provide the certificate during on-site registration in Astana. Online participants must send a scanned copy to admin@cpfed.kz.
5.2. Organization of Contests
5.2.1. Tasks will be presented in the form of contests on the online platform esep.cpfed.kz. The contest duration is 3 hours for the category of computer science teachers; 5 hours for the category of coaches.
5.2.2. Tasks will be designed in the format of classic olympiad-level computer science problems. The solution to each problem must be a program written in one of the specified programming languages.
5.2.3. Task evaluation will be performed using an automatic testing system (ATS) by running the program on a set of predefined test cases prepared by the jury. The ATS imposes restrictions on execution time and memory usage. Participant solutions must comply with the input and output format requirements specified in the problem statements and meet the time and memory constraints.
5.2.4. Participants must submit their solutions to the ATS for evaluation as they are completed. Once the ATS evaluates the solution, participants will receive feedback with the testing results.
5.2.5. Solution evaluation will follow the IOI format (International Olympiad in Informatics). Each task is worth 100 points. The final score for each task is the sum of the points awarded for its sub-tasks. Each sub-task consists of several test cases. Unless otherwise specified, submitted solutions are tested against each test case. The time and memory limits for each test case are outlined in the problem statements.
Participants can take part in the IMPACT Olympiad 2025 either offline or online. Offline mode: Participants will take the Olympiad at Astana IT University, located at Mangilik El Ave., S 1.2. Online mode: The competition will utilize the OBS recording system, and the Olympiad itself will be conducted on the esep.cpfed.kz platform.
Technical Requirements for Online Participants:
- A personal computer (laptop or desktop) with a camera (resolution of at least HD 720p), a microphone, and an internet connection.
- Participants must record their problem-solving process during the Olympiad using OBS Studio and provide access to the recording to the jury. The jury will review the recordings to ensure compliance with the Olympiad rules. Participants who violate the rules will be disqualified.
- If a participant does not have a webcam or microphone, they need to purchase, rent or borrow these devices from friends or acquaintances for the duration of the Olympiad. Participation without these devices is impossible. Approximately 5-6 GB of free disk space and the ability to upload files of this size to the internet will also be required
- Download OBS Studio from https://obsproject.com/ and install it on your computer. Configure three data sources:
- Input audio capture (your microphone)
- Screen capture (your screen).
- Video capture device (your webcam).
- The camera should be positioned so that the participant’s face is fully visible in the recording.
- A video tutorial on downloading, installing, and setting up OBS Studio is available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kEuvRLcnJqwsdaQV3sHit8yeg39oqMvH/view?usp=sharing.
- You can use the printer during the tour. You can also use another computer to view conditions and code (but not to run or write code). In this case, the second computer must also record everything happening on it, just like the main computer. It is forbidden to use mobile phones and tablets.
- After the Olympiad round, upload the video to YouTube or Google Drive and send the link to impact2025@fizmat.kz. Deadline for submitting the recording: January 14, 2025, by 23:59.
- Important Notes:
During the Olympiad, the microphone and video connection must remain uninterrupted until the end of the Olympiad. The use of headphones is prohibited.
- Technical Round will be held on January 13 at 19:00 (Astana time).
All participants are required to participate in the technical round to verify technical readiness. Participants who do not check their technical readiness will not be allowed to participate in the Olympiad.
During the technical round, participants may ask the proctor any questions about resolving technical issues.
- The Olympiad will be held on January 14 from 08:00-14:00 Astana time.
Participants must prepare their workspace 30 minutes before the start of the Olympiad.
- Prohibited Actions:
- Using any wired or wireless headsets (earphones);
- Using any communication devices, smartphones, smartwatches, or any other gadgets capable of providing information in text, graphic, or audio formats from internal storage or the internet;
- Using electronic or paper reference materials, textbooks, calculators, or other prepared notes.
- Using any materials not included in the task set.
- Discussing tasks with other Olympiad participants.
- Leaving the workspace.
If jury members identify any of the following violations, they have the right to annul the participant’s results:
- The exam was written by someone other than the registered participant;
- The camera is not positioned as required;
- Complete loss of audio and video connection with the participant;
- Failure to submit a full screen recording made during the Olympiad.
- The participant used additional technical devices other than the one they are using to write the exam;
- The participant opened additional applications or windows on the exam device;
- Leaving the workspace during the exam.
- The participant left the workspace during the exam;
- There are other people present in the room where the participant is taking the exam;
- The participant spoke to someone, or voices of other people were audible during the exam
Participants may leave their workspace only after completing the round.
In order to objectively evaluate the participant’s work, audio and video recordings will be made throughout the tour. The Olympiad jury has the right to examine the audio and video recordings of the rounds in order to verify the participant’s compliance with the rules of the Olympiad. If violations of the rules are detected, interviews may be scheduled to verify the work, or punitive measures may be applied, including disqualification of participants.
- Additional requirements for Participants:
Olympiad participants must register, arrive at the venue, and log in to the online platform no later than the designated time.
Participants must adhere to ethical norms during the Olympiad.
Participants are prohibited from using personal computers, mobile phones, or any internet communication devices other than those specified by the Olympiad rules and regulations.
Instructions for using the platform: esep.cpfed.kz: Инструкция esep.MOV
7.1. Prize-winners are awarded with diplomas of I-degree, II-degree, III-degree of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (up to 50% of the number of participants, of which 50% are awarded with diplomas of III degree, 30% with diplomas of II degree, 20% with diplomas of I degree).
7.2. All participants receive a certificate of participation.
8.1. The costs of travel on the territory of Kazakhstan for the participants of the Olympiad are financed by the sending party.
8.2. The registration fee for participation is 30,000 tenge for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and 70 US dollars for foreign citizens. Payment is made using the details of the Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company “Republican Physics and Mathematics School” indicated on the website: impact.izho.kz
8.3. Participants who qualify for the category of coaches according to the rules of this regulation, who are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan or teach classes in educational institutions in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, may participate in the Olympiad without paying the registration fee.
8.4. The winners of the first period of the main stage of the Uzdik IT Ustaz computer science teachers’ competition, who qualify according to the rules for the category of computer science teachers, can participate in the Olympiad without paying the registration fee.
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